Kidde discharge nozzles provide the proper flow rate of
Halon 1301 desired, and their unique design provides a
turbulence-discharge of the gas to provide an optimized
diffusion of the gas in the air. Two basic configurations
are available:
180" Fan nozzle. See Figure 10.
360° Split fan nozzle. See Figure 11.
If a cylinder is disconnected for replacement, elbow
check valves (See Figure 12), installed between the
flexible loop and the manifold, ensure the safety of
personnel. This valve will prevent the pressurized gas in
the manifold from entering the flexible loop if the loop is
not pressurized.
Pressure operated trips, Figure 13, and switches, Figure
14, isolate the rest of the plant while the fire is being
extinguished. Trips, operated by the pressure of Halon
1301 in the piping, permit the closing of doors, windows,
dampers, and other openings. The fire is prevented
from spreading and damaging the rest of the plant.
Pressure operated switches, also operated by gas
pressure, shut off machines, ventilating fans, and other
electric equipment when the system operates.
Kidde offers, as an extra, a simplified weighing
arrangement for weighing cylinders in place without
disconnecting them from the cylinder manifold. (Figure
15) The weighing bar and weighing bar bracket are
supplied as part of this simplified weighing arrangement.
These part are drilled and cut to proper length so that
they are easily fastened to the cylinder framing. The
scale gives a direct reading of the weight of the cylinder.
Because of a 10 to 1 ratio on the scale beam a pull of 15
lbs. on the scale hook will record 150 lbs. on the scale.