TM 5-3825-225-14&P
Clean new ring gear, then heat to X temperature not exceeding 480°F (250°C).
Install the ring gear (9) over the fly-wheel (10) with the lead on the teeth facing inward, i.e., facing away
from the engine when the flywheel (10) is fitted. Rotate the ring gear (9) quickly on its location
immediately after it is fitted to ensure that it is laying flat. Allow ring gear to cool.
Flywheel Assembly Installation and Alinement.
The crankshaft flange face and periphery, and the mating face of the flywheel
assembly must be perfectly clean and free from burrs before refitting the flywheel
assembly. Failure to ensure this may make It Impossible to fit the fly-wheel
assembly properly within the specifications given.
There is a sixth (untapped) hole In the crankshaft flange that will be at BDC
(bottom dead center) when nos. 1 and 4 pistons are at TDC (top dead center).
The flywheel assembly can be fitted In only one position because of the Irregular
spacing of the setscrew holes.
Screw a short stud into the crankshaft flange fingertight. When the flywheel assembly (8) is offered up,
this stud can take the weight of the flywheel assembly while the securing setscrews (12) are fitted. The
stud can be removed and re- placed by the fifth setscrew.
Torque the securing setscrews (12) to 60 lb.-ft. (81 Nom) but do not lock with the tabwashers at this
Set up a dial test indicator (clock) gage with the base secured against the rear face of the flywheel
housing (14) and the gage stylus at right angles to the periphery of the flywheel assembly. Turn the
crankshaft and check the runout. Fly- wheel assembly runout should not exceed 0.012 in. (0.30 mm).
Check the alignment of the flywheel face-by turning the crankshaft. The total indicator reading for the
flywheel being truly at right angles to the crankshaft axis should not exceed 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) for
every inch (2.5 cm) the gage stylus is reading from the center of the flywheel. That is, if the flywheel has
a diameter of approximately 20 in. (50.8 cm), then the stylus will be approximately 10 in. (25.4 cm) from
its center; therefore, the total indicator reading should not exceed 0.010 in. (0.25 mm).
When the flywheel assembly (8) is correctly aligned, lock the securing setscrews (12) with the
Removal (See Appendix F Figure 52 and 54).
Remove the cylinder head assembly (see paragraph 5-15).
Remove the oil pan (see paragraph 5-21).
Rotate the crankshaft (2, Appendix F, Figure 52) until one pair of connecting rods (6, Appendix F, Figure
54) is at BDC. Remove their respective connecting rod caps securing bolts (10).
Remove the connecting rod caps and bearing shells (11) (see Figure 5-17).
Figure 5-17. Connecting Rod Cap.
If the bearing shells are serviceable,
they should be suitably marked for