TM 5-3895-370-14&P
Example 1
Bearing clearance = 0.003 in. (0.08 mm)
1/2 of bearing clearance = 0.0016 in (0.04 mm)
6 o'clock position reading = 0.008 in (0.20 mm)
0.008 in (0.020 mm)
- 0.0016 in (0.04 mm)
0.0064 in (0.16 mm)
In the above example, 0.0064 in (0.16 mm) is the adjusted bearing clearance.
After determining the adjusted bearing clearance, the Total Indicator Reading (TIR) must be determined.
Proceed as follows:
Add 12 o'clock position measurement, obtained from step (3), and bearing clearance adjustment, as
determined from step (5). See Example 2.
Example 2
0.000 in (0.00 mm) (12 o'clock measurement)
+ 0.0064 in (0.16 mm) (adjusted bearing clearance)
0.0064 in (0.16 mm) (total vertical reading)
Add 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock position measurements, obtained from step (3). See Example 3.
Example 3
0.003 in (0.08 mm) (3 o'clock measurement)
+ 0.001 in (0.03 mm) (9 o'clock measurement)
0.005 in (0.11 mm) (total horizontal reading)
Add totals from the above steps (a) and (b) to get Total Indicator Reading. See Example 4.
Example 4
0. 0064 in (0.16 mm) (total vertical reading from step [a])
+ 0.001 in (0.03 mm) (total horizontal reading from step [b])
0.0074 in (0.19 mm) (Total Indicator Reading)
After determining the allowable TIR for this
engine, measure flywheel housing bore at
position A Normal bore diameter is between
17.625 to 17.630 in. (447.675447.802 mm). If
TIR, as determined in the above steps, is other
than 0.008 in (0.20 mm), replace flywheel
housing. If TIR is 0.008 in (0.20 mm), then
flywheel housing-to-concentricity is acceptable.