Fig. P.3.
Checking Alignment of Flywheel Housing Bore.
To Remove the Flywheel Housing
Remove the flywheel (see Page P.2).
Remove the starter motor.
Unscrew the nuts securing the flywheel housing
to the cylinder block and tap the housing clear of
the locating dowels.
Examine the housing for cracks or damage etc.
To Refit the Flywheel Housing
Ensure that the rear face of the cylinder block
and the mating face of the flywheel housing are
perfectly clean and free from burrs, etc.
Check dowel location in block and housing,
ream and fit oversize dowels where necessary.
Locate the flywheel housing carefully on the two
dowels and refit the securing setscrews.
Mount a dial test indicator (clock) gauge with the
base on the crankshaft flange and the gauge
stylus on and perpendicular with the inner face
of the housing aperture as shown in Fig. P.3.
Rotate the crankshaft, the inner bore should be
truly central with the crankshaft within the limits
listed towards the end of this section.
With the gauge base still mounted in the same
position adjust the stylus so that it is at right
angles to tile vertically machined rear face of the
flywheel housing as shown in Fig. P.4. Turn the
crankshaft and check that this face is at right
angles to the crankshaft axis to within the
following limits.
Diameter of
Housing Bore
Up to 14 1/4 in
0.006 in (0.15 mm)
(362 mm)
Total Indicator Reading
14 1/4 to 20 1/8 in
0.008 in (0.20 mm)
(362 to 511 mm)
Total Indicator Reading
20 1/8 to 25 1/2 in
0.010 in (0.25 mm)
(511 to 648 mm)
Total Indicator Reading
25 1/2 to 31 in
0.012 in (0.30 mm)
(648 to 787 mm)
Total Indicator Reading
NOTE: Any adjustments which may be necessary to
bring the flywheel housing within the limits quoted
must be carried out on the housing, under no
circumstances may the rear face of the cylinder
block be interfered with.
When the housing is correctly aligned finally
tighten the securing setscrews.
Refit the flywheel as previously described on
Page P.2.
Fig. P.4.
Checking Alignment of Flywheel Housing Face.