TM 5-3825-229-14&P4-46A. THERMOSTAT AND COOLING LINESTHISTASKCOVERS:a.Removalc. Installationb.Testingd. Cooling LinesINITIALSETUP:Tools Required:Equipment Conditions:Nomenclature:Ref.ConditionsGeneral Mechanics2-14Engine shut offTool Kit4-56Engine housing removedEquipment/Materials Required:Antifreeze (Item 1, Appendix E)a.RemovalofThermostat.(1)Drain cooling system (para. 4-46 above).(2)Remove two screws (1) and washers (4) securingthermostat cover (2) to water pump (3).(3)Lift thermostat cover with hose (5) attachedand place to one side.(4)Remove gasket (6) and thermostat ( 7) from waterpump.b.TestingThermostat.(1)Suspend thermostat in a pan of clean water.Thermostat must be immersed but not touchingbottom of pan.Removing and installing Thermostat4-94
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